Suntuff Protective Coatings

Gold Coast – Sunshine Coast Brisbane – Lismore

Roof Paints
Roof Paints

Water Block Roof Membrane

Water Block Roof Membrane, an external and internal membrane with a very strong and high elasticity results.



Water Block Roof Membrane, is suitable over metal, tile and asbestos roofs.

Suitable for flat concrete high rises, commercial buildings e.g. shopping centres, factories, brick retaining walls and shower cubicles (Prior to laying tiles).

Has Rust Inhibitor properties, protecting against surface rust on metal roofs. (which means saving of time and product).

Must be applied with a 2 coat application using a 6.35 size tip, creating a finish film of approximately 550/600 microns (very thick product).

Dries with a white finish enabling a far more even dry rate. As well as acting as a cool coatings, also giving the top coat a far more even dry rate.

Must be top coated with an Ultrashield, Dirtshield or Thermal coating system.


Arizona, Tuscany, Desert Clay, Tuscan Red, Autumn Red, Rustic Red, Gull Grey/Shale Grey, Mid Grey, Battleship Grey/Basalt, Ironstone/Bluestone, Charcoal, Black, Woodland Grey, Manor Red/Heritage Red, Burgundy, Birch Grey/Dune, Beige, Smoke Bush, Chocolate, Pale Terracotta, Nectarine, Natural Clay, Mision Brown, Pale Eucalypt/Mist Green, River Gum, Caulfield Green, Brunswick Green, Off White/Surfmist, Silver Screen, Berger Beige, Moon Beam, Smooth Cream, Merino, Wheat, Blue Steel, Mt Blues